Monks Cross Shopping Park, York Monks Cross Shopping Park, York Monks Cross Shopping Park, York Monks Cross Shopping Park, York Slider Arrow

Monks Cross Shopping Park, York

Monks Cross Shopping Park Trust

The illuminated entrance features ensure the park looks fantastic day or night

At Monks Cross Shopping Park, our vision was to transform the shopping experience through a comprehensive series of enhancements that breathe new life into the entire complex. Our approach was multifaceted, encompassing aesthetic upgrades, functional improvements and the creation of a vibrant community space.

We undertook a full-scale refurbishment of the shopping park’s façade. This involved a modernisation process that not only refreshed the look of the existing shopfronts but also introduced a sleek, contemporary design language. The entrance was reimagined with striking illuminated, perforated cladding that wraps around the features, creating a welcoming and visually engaging gateway.

In an effort to expand the retail offering without compromising the available parking space, we strategically placed six new pod units. These compact buildings are nestled to the north of the site, forming a pedestrian-friendly ‘street scene’. The four kiosks serve as a bridge between the retail frontage and the car park, offering shoppers a unique and convenient shopping experience.

The public spaces within Monks Cross Shopping Park have also been thoroughly revitalised. We’ve introduced raised planting beds that not only add greenery but also serve as natural gathering points. The street furniture has been carefully selected for its durability and ease of maintenance, ensuring that the space remains welcoming and functional for years to come. A playful twist has been added to a section of the promenade, incorporating interactive elements that connect the shopping fronts, eateries and the existing play area, fostering a sense of community and engagement.

Looking to the future, we have proposed the addition of a substantial 22,750 sq.ft retail unit to the south of the shopping park. This new development is envisioned as a gateway, inviting visitors into the site and offering an expanded array of shopping options. It represents our client’s commitment to growth and their belief in the potential of Monks Cross Shopping Park as a premier retail destination.

Through these initiatives, we aim to enhance the overall ambiance and functionality of Monks Cross Shopping Park, ensuring it remains a key destination for shopping and socialising in the region.

390,000 sq.ft

Retail accommodation

1,000 (approx)

Parking spaces


Development budget